The Void is a quest available to Guardian which differs depending on which server the player is using. Things could get dangerous!For this reason, I will be performing the ceremony myself, so that I can keep the bride and groom close to me. Anduin leaves the choice between Void Elves and the Lightforged Draenei to the player. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. I finished the intro mission where you fight the Horde, capture Sauerfang and so on. One of the new Allied Races coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, the Ren'dorei were first introduced on Argus in the Legion expansion. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Neriak has a lot of mobs and quests that will be KoS or will not give you a quest unless you are in Dark Elf Illusion, when you are in Dark Elf Illusion only Named should con KoS, this is important because the royalty are raid con mobs that see invis and SoS and will 1 round you. Forge of Aeons Movie will start after finish use beacon on middle ( scenario will start ). The thing the Void Mage lacked were defensive stats, but with the addition of Devildom’s Nusylites and Fluminis set and the Yushiva belt, which make him immortal in PVE, he is now flawless. Follow T'paartos and complete objectives. Complete the allied race quest chain … Done Теперь вы готовы! The Swift Flight Form quest chain is one way that druids can gain their swift flight form (as well as some useful trinkets). The elf quest series is a series of quests centring around the Elven Civil War and Lord Iorwerth's plot to return the Dark Lord, with sub-plots being the plague of West Ardougne and the conflict between Ardougne's two kings, King Tyras and King Lathas. Once you reach level 70 and have trained riding skill to 300, any of the druid trainers will offer the introduction quest. Note, Allied Races start at level 20, and with the new level scaling from 7.3.5, Void Elves can quest in any zone requiring a 10-60 level range, as long as said zone has Alliance quests. The Lightforged after conversation go outside and High Exarch Turalyon will put beacon to The Vindicaar.

On stage 10 after you kill Nether-Prince Durzaan portal will be open to Stormwind. After you will buy Battle for Azeroth and login to the game you will get auto Quest and that how you start chain quest.Reward for completion Full Quest chain:1. The World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth expansion is out on Augand with it, is the addition of a variety of allied races to play as. The quest chain starts off at the Stormwind Embassy, where King Anduin Wrynn is meeting with the other faction leaders to discuss possible new recruits to the Alliance.